
Last Minute Bonfire Night Advice

With bonfire night fast approaching, I would encourage pet owners who have not already done so, to start preparing pets now to prevent possible upset from fireworks. Firework noise can reach up to 150 decibels, as loud as a jet engine, and dogs, cats and other pets...

The New Dog Vaccine

New emerging strains of one of the most common and potentially deadly dog diseases –Leptospirosis – have prompted us at Donaldson’s Vets to launch a new vaccination policy in a bid to protect the local dog population from this and other fatal diseases. Leptospirosis...

20 Years this week!!

20 years ago this week, a fresh faced young Veterinary Graduate from Glasgow University set off from his family home in a village outside Edinburgh to start his first job at the then “Donaldson and Partners”. He packed all his possessions (mostly Veterinary text...

Thinking of Rehoming a Rescue pet?

Is Rehoming or Rescuing right for you? As you will have seen from my recent columns, Donaldson’s Vets are working closely with TIA Greyhound Rescue. We are currently sending a Vet and nurse team, on a regular basis, to Tia’s rehoming centre in Doncaster to treat the...

Early Bonfire Night Preparations

There are only a few weeks until the build up to the Firework season and every year, I see pet owners who have left it to the last minute to consider how they manage this stressful time for their pet. Now is the time to start preparations. It is estimated that...