the Badger Cull

The commencement of the trial Badger cull in 2 areas of England this week in an attempt to control the spread of Bovine Tuberculosis has prompted some very strong opinions on either side of the argument.   Badgers are an indigenous species in the UK but, with...

Blossom’s puppies

 As I write this week’s column, it is 10.30pm and I am at home, sitting at the side of our welping box as Blossom, our Chocolate Labrador (you may remember her as the Daffodil eater) has her pups. At present, we have 3 male puppies and 1 bitch. This is now her second...

Dangerous Dogs

The problem of Dangerous Dogs and irresponsible dog owners has been in the media again this week with talk that life-term prison sentences could be handed out to the owners of out-of-control dogs which kill. Knowing the great pleasure that “man’s best friend” can be,...