The Rule of 3’s

In Veterinary Practice, it is well known that things come in threes. We get calls to 3 calvings at different ends of the county at the same time; 3 horses get colic all at the same time; 3 cats come in with skin irritations and need to be treated for fleas. So the...

Summer Holidays!!

With Easter behind us and Spring in the air, thoughts turn to planning the summer holiday. Whether you are considering a “Staycation” here in the UK or heading abroad, plans inevitably need to include some provision for the family pet. Holidaying in the UK is an...


The warmer weather that we experienced last week has triggered a huge surge in flea activity over the last few days. Fleas reproduce faster in warm conditions. Historically flea levels should be very low at this time of the year as the weather should be cold and our...