

There is only just the faintest whiff of Spring in the air and yet it seems that, already, fleas have become more active and are breeding in numbers in many locations around Kirklees and Halifax. Fleas are present throughout the year, on pets and in the environment....

Ebola virus

Huddersfield on a wet day in October seems very far removed from Tropical West Africa and yet I have had several clients in the last week who have enquired about the recent Ebola outbreak in Africa and the implications it may have for their pet.   Ebola Virus has...


The warmer weather that we experienced last week has triggered a huge surge in flea activity over the last few days. Fleas reproduce faster in warm conditions. Historically flea levels should be very low at this time of the year as the weather should be cold and our...

Hyperthyroid Cats!!!

Donaldson’s Vets are excited to have been selected as the only Practice in West Yorkshire to take part in a pan-European Survey for a revolutionary new treatment for hyperthyroidism in cats. Hyperthyroidism is a common condition in older cats and has been discussed in...