Head of Ctenocephalides felis

Head of Ctenocephalides felis

There is only just the faintest whiff of Spring in the air and yet it seems that, already, fleas have become more active and are breeding in numbers in many locations around Kirklees and Halifax.

Fleas are present throughout the year, on pets and in the environment. The ideal breeding conditions for fleas are warm and humid conditions so when the weather warms up, any fleas that have not been dealt with over the winter months will rapidly increase in numbers and before you know it….you will have an infestation on your hands.

Although adult fleas live and mature on your pet, most of the stages of the flea’s life cycle occur in the environment, so to control fleas, you must use a product that rapidly kills any adult fleas before they have the opportunity to breed, and also to kill the juvenile life stages before they have the opportunity to mature and jump back onto your pet.

Just this week, I have seen several cats, dogs and rabbits who are having problems with fleas. The irritation that the fleas cause as they move between the hair fibres and feed can be very distressing. Many animals become sensitised to the flea bites and develop a Flea Allergy Dermatitis (FAD) which can be very severe and result in hair loss, broken skin and secondary bacterial infections.

In each of the recent cases I have seen this week, the owner has not treated to prevent fleas over the winter and so, when the dormant fleas become more active in the warmer weather, the flea problem has erupted.

Even if you have not treated over the winter, it may not be too late. Using a highly effective product NOW, may be effective at killing the emerging dormant fleas and you may be able to avert a problem. Speak to your Vet for advice on the most effective and safe product to use.

If you wait until an infestation erupts, it can take several months to fully regain control and nobody likes to think that they are sharing their house with a bunch of itchy parasites!