
Buddy Returns!

Regular readers may remember the story of Buddy the 3 year old dog who I wrote about back in May. Buddy is a really lively, friendly, outgoing dog who is full of enthusiasm for everything he does. Back in May, Buddy had been very unwell with a dramatic loss of...

Pharyngeal Foreign Bodies

Our Veterinary caseload at the Practice varies very much with the seasons. One would immediately think of sheep lambing in the Spring or Dogs with chapped paws in the Winter but cats are also prone to seasonal conditions.   This week, we have seen a series of...

Buddy and the Nerf Gun

Buddy is a typical Springer Spaniel….. bursting with energy, into everything and living life at 100 miles per hour. Buddy lives in a busy household with young children and his boundless enthusiasm is a joy to watch. So when Buddy slumped into the consulting room with...

Fitz and the sock

Fitz the Chocolate Labrador is a serial offender. Most Labradors are food orientated and this can be one of the reasons that they are easy to train – they will do just about anything for a food reward. But Fitz does not stop at Bonio biscuits. He takes the Greedy...