Managing the Cost of Pet Care

Managing the Cost of Pet Care

Many people are understandably concerned about the prospect of a big Vet bill. Just as human health costs have increased year on year and put a strain on NHS budgets, paying for top-quality care for your pet does not come cheap either. As diagnostics, medical and...

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New Year and a New Pet

New Year and a New Pet

While taking on a new pet is a serious commitment that needs careful thought, the start of a New Year is a time to contemplate your lifestyle and resolve to improve your level of fitness and exercise. Getting a new pet is a very different decision to most other...

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Laparoscopy as a Diagnostic Tool

Historically, the best way to investigate a problem in the body was often to perform an exploratory surgical procedure and examine the affected organ. This often meant taking a seriously ill animal and subjecting them to an invasive surgical procedure. While the...

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CT diagnostics

CT diagnostics

Work is continuing to progress with the new Donaldson’s Vets hospital at Somerset Road with an anticipated opening date now scheduled for July. With so much more space available than we have been used to at the historic hub of the practice at Maple Street, the whole...

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Maple Street Surgery- the end of an era

Maple Street Surgery- the end of an era

This week sees a huge milestone in the history of Donaldson’s vets and Veterinary Care in Kirklees with the move to our new Veterinary hospital at Somerset Road. The familiar surgery at Maple Street first opened its doors to the pet owners of Huddersfield in 1952. For...

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Avoiding Winter Hazards

As we pass into December, temperatures have started to drop this week. Pet owners need to make sure their dogs and cats are kept free from hidden and potentially fatal hazards this winter. During the winter your pets can be affected by the cold and get ill. To avoid...

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Leaf Mould Allergy

We seem to have lurched from late summer into deepest winter over the last couple of weeks. With the sudden drop in temperatures and the recent wind and rain, it feels as though all the leaves have fallen off the trees within a matter of a few days. While initially...

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Sleeping dogs!

Dogs are active animals who enjoy exploring, sniffing and playing but it’s also really important for them to get enough rest. As dog owners we can help our dogs to get the important down-time they need by making sure they have somewhere quiet and comfortable to snooze...

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Regular readers will know that Vets within the Donaldson’s Vets group have areas of interest that range from Dermatology to Sheep fertility, from sports-injuries to Rabbit medicine and from Lizards and Snakes to Horses. One of the benefits of being part of a group...

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Rabbit hair loss

  Alopecia (hair loss) is the scourge of many a middle-aged man and yet, while a disappointing indicator of the passage of time, it is part of the normal aging process. In most animals, however, it is usually an abnormal condition which can come on suddenly or...

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