
Laparoscopy is the formal medical name for “key-hole-surgery” within the abdomen. Key-hole (or ‘minimally invasive’) surgery has become commonplace in human surgery with more and more procedures being performed in this manner and, over the last 18 months, we have been...


Historically, the best way to investigate a problem in the body was often to perform an exploratory surgical procedure and examine the affected organ. This often meant taking a seriously ill animal and subjecting them to an invasive surgical procedure. While the...

“Kitty Kat”

Kitty Kat is an 18 month old black and white cat who lives at a local stables. Although Kitty Kat does not have a conventional home, he enjoys the finer things in life having a warm comfortable bed on top of a straw bale which offers a great view of all the comings...

The Rule of 3’s

In Veterinary Practice, it is well known that things come in threes. We get calls to 3 calvings at different ends of the county at the same time; 3 horses get colic all at the same time; 3 cats come in with skin irritations and need to be treated for fleas. So the...