
Laparoscopy is the formal medical name for “key-hole-surgery” within the abdomen. Key-hole (or ‘minimally invasive’) surgery has become commonplace in human surgery with more and more procedures being performed in this manner and, over the last 18 months, we have been...


Wellington is a Persian cat who has been a regular visitor to Donaldson’s for 18 years. Persians can have sad looking faces and Wellington never looks as though he is enjoying his visit to the Vets; but he is a surprisingly tough little chap and has a very appealing...


Historically, the best way to investigate a problem in the body was often to perform an exploratory surgical procedure and examine the affected organ. This often meant taking a seriously ill animal and subjecting them to an invasive surgical procedure. While the...


Laparoscopy, or “key hole surgery “ as it is sometimes known, has become increasingly common in human surgery and we now have the facilities at Donaldson’s Vets to perform surgical procedures using this minimally invasive technique. The benefits of laparoscopy over...