Lambing time again

As I write this week’s column, we have just started lambing our flock of Pedigree Southdown ewes and, as I stand and look across our lambing field which is bathed in sunlight from the clear blue sky, I am struck by how different the weather is compared to last year’s...

Sheep Worrying

Lambing season is approaching fast. I have been starting to make preparations for my Southdowns’ lambing next month, and farmers across the area are struggling in the face of wind, rain and mud to get ready for this important time in a stock keeper’s calendar. It is...

Spring is in the Air!!

Although we are only mid way through March, the recent spell of mild weather makes it feel like winter is passed and spring is just round the corner. Spring is a busy time at the surgery. The lambing season runs from December through until May but peaks in mid March....

Schmallenberg Virus

  Typically, infectious diseases tend to evolve over a long period of time. Diseases can develop to affect new species or can alter to create signs which are more severe, but it is rare that a totally new disease emerges. Yet that is exactly what has occurred...